Frequently Asked Questions about AUDS

Here are some of the FAQs we get asked at Andrews University Dining Services. There are also many more questions we could add, but hopefully this is enough for now.

Where can I find the current hours for the Gazebo and Terrace Cafe?

They are listed in the drop down box on our homepage, and there are links for the most current hours on both the Gazebo and Terrace Cafe’s pages on our website at

How often is the menu updated, and is it current?

The drop down menu on our website is updated on a daily basis, and you can also find it on our Facebook, which is also updated daily. Generally, the menu you see online and on Facebook is the correct menu, however, sometimes our chefs may make slight changes to certain items due to food availability.

I’ve reserved a hotel room on campus, do you have anything to do with that?

We actually do not have anything to do with the booking, access to, and use of the hotel rooms that are next door to our offices. You need to work through Guest + Convention Services at the University Towers. You can call Guest + Convention Services at (269) 471-3360 and receive all information pertaining to the use of the guest rooms. When it comes to your visit at Andrews Campus we can work with Convention Services to create Meal Cards for you and your party to eat in our Cafes if this is a service you are interested.

Do you share recipes from any of your eateries?

We certainly do! If there is ever a recipe you have had at one of our Cafes, please feel free to contact us and request the recipe. We will do our best to share that same recipe with you. We also share some recipes on a display  table in front of the Terrace Cafe’s entrance whenever we can.

Who can eat on your campus?

Our cafes are open to both the campus community, outside community, and other groups who wish to dine with us. We’d love to see you!

What if I have special dietary needs?

If you have any special dietary need, please contact us with any questions or concerns you have. We are happy to work with anyone who needs special arrangements made for food. You can set up a meeting with our Executive Chef or General Manager to get all of your questions answered. If there is ever a menu item that you are not sure of the ingredients please ask to speak with the Chef who made that menu item.

What other questions do you have for us?

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